I am currently a PhD student in computer science at NYU in the field of computational neuroscience. I am a member of Neuroinformatics lab with Prof. Erdem Varol. My work is centered around developing machine learning tools to better analyze neural recordings. Specifically, my focus lies in processing electrophysiology data with downstream applications such as neural decoding.
2023-now Ph.D in Computer Science
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2021-2023 B.S. in Computer ScienceCGPA: 3.9 out of 4 (Dean's list)
Taken Courses
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2018-2021 B.A. in Computer ScienceCGPA: 4 out of 4 (Dean's list)
Jun 2022 - Jun 2023, New York
Most decoding methods require spike sorting yet current spike sorting algorithms might be inaccurate and costly. So we proposed a spike sorting free method for decoding neural recordings.
Jan 2022 - May 2022, New York
Animal behaviors are often studied with low dimensional task variables, but advances in computer vision enable us to study animal behavior with high-dimensional videos and apply it in decoding
Sep 2021 - Jan 2022, New York
Recent optogenetic advances allow us to stimulate multiple cells in quick succession. However, it is challenging to distinguish the postsynaptic current given overlapping trials from multiple cells.
Neural decoding for brain-computer interfaces (BCI) traditionally relies on spike sorting, which often suffers from inaccuracies and loss of information. Leveraging advances in high-density probes and computational methods, we propose a spike sorting-free decoding method using a mixture of Gaussians to model the distribution of spike features, encoding uncertainty without clustering spikes. We allow the mixing proportion of the MoG to change over time in response to the behavior and develop variational inference methods to fit the resulting model and to perform decoding. We benchmark our method with an extensive suite of recordings from different animals and probe geometries, demonstrating that our proposed decoder can consistently outperform current methods based on thresholding (i.e. multi-unit activity) and spike sorting.
I implemented robot grasping tasks with Pytorch and Pybullet. I predicted grasp locations from image inputs with NN and developed a control policy for grasp execution and path planning.
I designed music visualization algorithms, used the intermediate feature for genre classification and developed Android app for NN recognition of scanned images and playing its corresponding music.
I analyzed World Value Survey data and reevaluated the idea of cultural group by clustering responses from different countries. I also examined traits of each cluster and their intercluster relationships.